Yogi Tea: Show who you are

For the days I need to hear it, @yogitea never fails to deliver a timely message and remind me of the importance of paying attention.

Are the parts of ourselves that we hide our truest expression? Is it what holds us back from becoming what we know we can be? Might the process of being seen show much that is still soft and vulnerable? But is it also that which contains our  greatest beauty and truth? 

I'm curious during practice, conversations and life about how to be more present and aware; recognizing my inner struggle as I search to be clear. The truth is that many times I feel the urge to pull away, to even give up on ideas but something inside me kickstarts the engine and I pull it together to tackle another day.

Most posts are of the joyful moments the ones that capture us at our best but, I made a deal with myself a few months back to show the tender side as well. It's Tuesday and grey outside and then there is this tea tag, in its simplicity,  "There is beauty in your presence. Show who you are"  and it rang as true and fine as the first morning sip of tea. ️




Be Still and Supported