
‘Timing is everything’ so we’ve been told. Or is it? Ever notice that sinking feeling that spreads to every corner? Was it right after you’d apparently ‘missed the boat'? These ‘wise sayings’ from somewhere in childhood are swallowed whole. Most of us don’t really stop to ask ourselves “do I really believe this to be true?” Instead, when we ‘drop the ball’ we also feel dread and shame. If you’re like me, you might start should-ing and could-have-been-doing yourself right into a whopping headache and a sense of being small.

The problem is, we do it to ourselves, we actually diminish the ability to perceive our own brightness. We not only ‘hide our light under a bushel’ - sometimes, with no awareness- we stamp it out. So what to do? To begin, examine the thought commentary that you have simply taken as fact. Do you agree with the premise? Are you running the same story loop from childhood? How is it serving you to stay small? AND how is it not serving you?

More thoughts & tips in later articles.

Yours in practice,



For Teachers: 5 Steps to Take When (You Think) the Class You Taught Was Awful

